How Many Times Do We Have To Teach You This Lesson, Young Man?
I’m not quite at the age to have some really big life regrets but one that has definitely plagued me for some years now is feeling like I had not done enough to get into the games industry.
This was a particularly heavy one because I’d actually graduated from a top US games school, but for various reasons I just did not have much to impress potential employers with, and after several years I started to think it was time to bury that dream and do big boy things in the real world.
While the embers of a dream were starting to fade, I stumbled unto a GameDevHQ course that promised comprehensive teachings on how to be a Unity developer without being forever reliant on an endless abyss of tutorials, along with live support, accountability, and tips for the job search.
Could this be it? I wondered. Is this a sign that I could actually return to game development? There is a Chinese saying that translates to “turn your head, there lies the shore” and it’s something to do with repentance and redemption and yeah it’s kind of heavy but I feel the vibe is appropriate somehow.
So this will be where the journey gets chronicled. May I one day return to read this in the future with a content sigh.